TPI Blog

Time Your Writing to Current Events and Calendar Observances


For maximum exposure when writing an article or blog post for the public, time it so that it coincides with current events or with national holidays and observances. Since there is media coverage at these times, more people will be paying attention.

Write in response to current events

At the time of this writing, the coronavirus is spreading throughout the world. Public health officials cannot predict the human toll from this virus, but they are urging everyone to minimize their exposure and to pay scrupulous attention to hygiene. Their comments usually end with something like, "There's no need for panic."

But they don't tell you how not to panic. As a mental health professional, you can address issues of fear and panic and provide practical tips for managing these emotions.

Similarly, while public health officials may advise folks to store supplies in case of quarantine, they don't provide any information on how to deal with being cooped up -- perhaps with people you don't get along with in the best of times. But you can certainly provide advice about this. If you contact your local TV news station, they may interview you about the psychological side of being quarantined.

Write about topics related to calendar observances

You know the main national observances - Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day...all the way through the calendar.

However, keep in mind that thousands of mental health professionals are writing articles at these times. During the November-December holiday season, unless you can say something original about holiday stress or express it in a unique fashion, your blog post could easily be overshadowed by others.

You'll have less competition, and a greater chance to be noticed and quoted as a mental health expert if you write about issues related to other national or international observances. For example:

  • Child Abuse Prevention Month (April)
  • Autism Awareness Day (April)
  • Mental Health Awareness Month (May)
  • National Safety Month (June)
  • Take Your Dog to Work Day (June)
  • National Breast Cancer Awareness month (October)
  • Mental Illness Awareness Week (October)
  • National Impaired Driving Prevention Month (December)

Even for observances that are not directly related to mental health, you can draw the connection yourself. Here are some examples:

Girl Scout Week (March): A great opportunity to write or speak about healthy development of girls' self-esteem, the value of teamwork or challenges, etc.

Take Your Dog to Work Day (June): Contact your local news media and offer to speak about the value of pets in people's lives. Bring your own dog, if you have one.

National Safety Month (June): Write an article about what happens to your ability to focus at work if you are preoccupied with problems at home. Submit it to a trade magazine that serves an audience of construction companies and their employees.

National Impaired Driving Prevention Month (December): While many of your colleagues are polishing up their "holiday stress" pieces, you can stand out by writing or speaking about why intelligent people drink and drive when they know it's risky, and how they can minimize the likelihood that they'll make such a risky decision.

A clear advantage of writing an article around a calendar event is that it is "evergreen." You can re-issue it every year, maybe tweaking it or rewriting it in a different format.

Where to find calendars of observances and commemorations

Wikipedia has compiled a collection of U.S. observances.

For health-related topics, see the National Health Observances pages from, which also offers information and suggestions for promoting awareness around health issues.