Mar 2, 2024 | Niches, Marketing, Practice development, Professional development
One path to a thriving mental health practice is to limit your focus to a specific group of people (niche) or to a specific type of problem or treatment (specialty), and to refer other folks out.It may seem counter-intuitive that turning away referrals can contribute...
Oct 1, 2023 | Business matters, Practice development
Jack and Jill went to graduate school together and are good friends. They have stayed in touch, and, through a variety of circumstances, are now living in the same city. They each have a small part-time practice and work for local agencies. One day over lunch, they...
May 20, 2023 | Business matters, Marketing, Niches, Practice development
One way to be viewed as an expert is to specialize in helping particular types of people - in other words, a niche. People can be differentiated by various characteristics. For example: Demographics - People of a specific age range, occupation type, marital status,...
Aug 27, 2022 | Business matters, Practice development, Professional development
Is it necessary to have a niche practice in order to make a comfortable living? This question comes up frequently in our consultations with colleagues. Many clinicians have developed thriving practices without focusing on any given specialty or population segment. You...
Apr 16, 2022 | Business matters, Practice development
Back in grad school the path to success was laid out for us. We were given a curriculum and syllabus, which outlined what we had to learn and in what order. Good grades were pretty much guaranteed by simply mastering the material. In actual clinical practice there is...
Jan 15, 2022 | Ideas, Practice development, Professional development
Check out the picture below. It's a "mowercycle," created by someone who probably had very little money but lots of ingenuity, using items already on hand to solve a common problem. What does this have to do with mental health practice? You may not have the desire to...