Nov 29, 2015 | Productivity, Research, searching
The internet is a firehose of information. Sometimes you need to research something specific. (See helpful tips here.) And sometimes you come across useful content when you're not actively looking for it - for example, while going through your email or social media...
Feb 16, 2014 | Business matters, Productivity
by Steven Walfish, Ph.D. - The Practice Institute One of the reasons it takes most people a year or two to build a practice with a full case load is because successful clinicians receive at least 25% (if not more) of their new clients based on a referral from a former...
Jul 27, 2013 | Productivity
About a year ago, my inbox had swelled to over 10,000 emails. Messages were coming in faster than I could deal with them. I was overwhelmed. So I declared email bankruptcy. It wasn't quite as drastic as the total deletion that some people have done. I simply archived...
Aug 12, 2012 | Productivity
For just about every commercial productivity tool there is a free counterpart. Instead of paying up to $350 for Microsoft Office you can use LibreOffice or Google Docs for free. Both have word processing, spreadsheets and slideshow creators, which look very similar to...